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I Wrote my own Hybrid SPA+SSR Framework

posted under category: General on October 14, 2021 by Nathan
A blog series in which I confess to accidentally having written my own poor version of a solved problem or popular framework

It was 2009, and I thought to myself “jQuery is just so verbose.” I mean look at this code I have to write in order to download an HTML fragment from the server and inject it into an area on my HTML page.


OK, Ok, ok. It’s not that bad. But imagine you did this with Prototype.js, the dominant framework before jQuery existed.

new Ajax.Request("/api/users/list", {
  onSuccess: function(response) {

Or imagine you started the project without a JavaScript framework

function reqListener () {
  var el = document.getElementById("taget-area");
  el.innerHTML = this.responseText;

var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.addEventListener("load", reqListener);"GET", "/api/users/list");

I was on a project for a short time that had hundreds of screens with code like this – all customized for each and every page, all repeated, with so much boilerplate bloat that I questioned the reason for software altogether. If we add input fields into that code along with form submissions, validation, error messages, and so on, you can imagine how quickly we had JavaScript files that were tens of thousands of lines long. Then came the memory leaks, name conflicts, and maintenance.

Yes we could have done better, but I was just a loan-in, and I wanted to see what kinds of things we were building elsewhere in the company. The point is, this application made me afraid of what we could create if we didn’t start thinking about systems to handle bloat before we had problems with it.

I had an idea. What if we could implicitly load content based on some basic HTML, and use jQuery to sniff out what needs to be loaded. Just follow me down this trail for a minute.

What’s an ideal amount of JavaScript to write? None! Stupid question, I know! I figured that this is the perfect job for a data attribute. I only need to tell the content where to go, like so:

<a href="/api/users/list" data-target="#main">Users</a>

The first version of this HTML-powered, server-side rendered app looked something like this:


It ballooned up from there, into a few hundred lines of code that handled global and inline loading spinners, delete confirmations, forms, caching, and errors.

Ahh - but you must be thinking: if the server is generating those HTML fragments, what happens when I open the link in a new tab? Well, jQuery’s AJAX api sends a HTTP header to let us know if we are in an AJAX request. With that header in place, the server sends an HTML fragment. When that header isn’t there, the back-end framework will wrap the fragment into the layout and send a full page.

It’s only a matter of the fragment being rendered with the full layout, or without.

Does that really work? Yes! It turns out it works really well. This web app was 100% functional without JavaScript. Why? Convenience! Also, users found they could open links in new tabs without a problem.

In today’s terminology, I think we would call this a hybrid SPA/SSR. Yes the discount, dollar-store version, but still, it fits the bill. Really, it was a pretty successful project.

What did I learn?

When I attempted to adapt it to another application, I learned that I either needed to cut this ‘framework’ up into smaller, individual parts that could be used independently, or bundle it all together as some kind of super-framework. Just taking parts of it was not a portable solution.

That doesn’t mean it was a waste. Not at all. This framework as its own glue for what it is, is a really cool solution that makes one application pretty easy to read and work on.

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Nathan is a software developer at The Boeing Company in Charleston, SC. He is essentially a big programming nerd. Really, you could say that makes him a nerd among nerds. Aside from making software for the web, he plays with tech toys and likes to think about programming's big picture while speaking at conferences and generally impressing people with massive nerdiness and straight-faced sarcastic humor. Nathan got his programming start writing batch files in DOS. It should go without saying, but these thought and opinions have nothing to do with Boeing in any way.
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