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So happy with stuff I find on

posted under category: General on March 6, 2006 by Nathan

Anytime I need some kind of utility, I know can find it at I know I can't be the only one with this experience, but you've got to agree, there's just no equal. And the level of quality on some of the projects hosted there is just astounding.

Today I needed an FTP to local file synching tool. I could build it myself over the next 4 hours, or use someone elses (that probably will work better), so I found a few, all under $40, but I'm cheap. Then it hit me, duh, sourceforge. So, one quick search nets me FullSync, a very simple app that does one thing, and does it good. Works like a charm.

Of course it's not the first time. How could I forget the day I stumbled upon CDEX, FileZilla, Azureusor WinMerge? I bet I've got 50 of these stories.

The open source community in general are some of the nicest folks I know of in the whole world. Thanks open-sourcers. You're the best!

Nathan is a software developer at The Boeing Company in Charleston, SC. He is essentially a big programming nerd. Really, you could say that makes him a nerd among nerds. Aside from making software for the web, he plays with tech toys and likes to think about programming's big picture while speaking at conferences and generally impressing people with massive nerdiness and straight-faced sarcastic humor. Nathan got his programming start writing batch files in DOS. It should go without saying, but these thought and opinions have nothing to do with Boeing in any way.
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