Searching for javascript frameworks, day 2
posted under category: General on May 11, 2006 by Nathan
I've had a lot of good responses from yesterday's question about Javascript frameworks, and the search continues. Here's what I'm still considering:
Prototype is popular, more than I thought, especally with Scriptaculous. Sounds like a winning combo, but it can be a big download.
The new Adobe Spry seems quite cool, very promising, and, since I'm still choosing, would be an awesome thing to get into at the ground floor (it was released yesterday). One negative is that Spry is an "AJAX Framework," not necessarily javascript and not big on effects, but those Flex-style layouts are just great.
MooFX got big props, from the few people who use it. It requires their "prototype lite", which sounds like a cool deal and a smaller download. Looking at the samples, the syntax doesn't seem as obvious as Scriptaculous.