Model Glue 2 - First Public Beta
posted under category: ColdFusion on June 15, 2006 by Nathan
Joe Rinehart just released the first Model-Glue 2 public beta. I think I had to subconsciously shut down part of my brain to cope with the video he released a couple days ago. Amazing. I have been waiting on this release for a long time, and I can't wait to start playing with it. Thanks, Joe!
So, as we all go into framework sugar-shock in the coming weeks, probably leading into the CFUnited conference, prepare to be overwhelmed. I will make sure to post my experiences here, and I hope you all have that special place of your own.
One word of warning though, the download is over 10MB, and over 30MB when decompressed. One has to wonder, so let's take a quick look. As a quick reminder, Model-Glue 2 includes everything you loved from the first one, plus ColdSpring, plus Reactor, plus new features like scaffolding. Each framework has a hefty amount of documentation and sample projects. Over 3600 files in over 300 folders. And most of that is due to Reactor, specifically the Reactor documentation. Looks like there's a few files too many, which is probably just a full export from the Reactor SVN server. I won't complain about too much documentation.