Interactive Sites would like to hire you
posted under category: General on February 16, 2007 by Nathan
Interactive Sites, Scottsdale, AZ.
We're hiring ColdFusion developers. New this round: varying skill levels are OK, and we have training options for promising candidates. Also, PHP/ASP etc. developers will be accepted, providing they have good experience and would like to learn different technologies. To everyone outside of the Phoenix area with stronger ColdFusion skills, consider this position and send in your resume (training may not apply if you're out-of-state). Everything I said last time still applies. Free snacks, great environment and some of the smartest people around.
We've got a lot of other smaller benefits, things that aren't technically benefits, like Alan (my co-worker who manages the CF user group - AZCFUG) shares some Adobe freebies like Flex posters and the like. Also, Alan's server in the office hosts dopefly and other employees' personal sites, so it's free. Sign up, send in your resume!