Phoenix CFUG, Feb 28 - Desiging the Obvious
posted under category: General on February 21, 2007 by Nathan
Just wanted to echo the word that this month's AZCFUG meeting will be Robert Hoekman, Jr. talking about his excellent book "Designing the Obvious". From what I hear, this is a great book and the subject is something everyone in our field should be aware of.
Also, you can probably guarantee we will be giving away a copy or two, and who knows what other stuff you might score just by showing up. Then there's the social interaction with making contacts in the community, which is good for your career. I'm just saying, there's like a hundred reasons to come to these things, even beyond learning the subject matter.
As usual, the meeting will be held at the UAT in Tempe, AZ at 6:30 PM. Hope to see you there!