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My Media Center experience

posted under category: General on July 10, 2008 by Nathan

A couple years ago, I wrote about my experiences with building my first Media Center PC - a low powered, half-purchased, half-constructed PC, DVR, file server and entertainment center based on Windows XP MCE. Since then, I've discovered a few things that have been working really well, and a few things that have not. These are my experiences.

Things that worked really well:

  • Low powered CPU - budget-wise, has been nice on the electricity bill, considering this PC is on 24/7
  • Purchased instead of built the core components - this gave me rock-solid stability, rebooting mostly just for an occasional sound glitch
  • Recycling old IDE HDDs - gave me about 750GB of total storage
  • DVD cataloging - We just put unwatched or often-watched movies on the HDD so we don't have to relocate the discs
  • uTorrent's WebUI - I can access it from my desktop PC, which is only on occasionally, and have my media center download torrents 24/7
  • MCE's movie library - allows us to access DVDs, Divx and home movies across multiple HDDs
  • File server as a central location for our gigantic digital photo library
  • 6 channel audio - even though our receiver supports 7.1, we only have a 5.1 speaker setup anyway

(jump break - things that sucked up next)

Things that did not work so well:
  • Low powered, single core CPU - clocking in at 1.4GHz, I have roughly enough CPU to record 1 live TV show and, just barely, watch another
  • Single TV Tuner - I want to record more than one show at a time - Windows can handle more, the CPU can't
  • Nero software - burning shows onto a DVD was incredibly time-consuming. Again, this is probably CPU related
  • Inability to play HD content - my plasma TV loves it, but the CPU is too weak - I get low frame rates, then the audio stutters, then the video
  • IDE HDDs - No SATA support means I maxed out my available IDE channels with 3 HDDs and a DVD drive
  • 802.11g with a cheap USB 1.1 adapter - it is online, but moving files across then network is slow
  • Web Guide - Microsoft's free software to access MCE functionality over HTTP has CPU and network bandwidth requirements beyond my setup
  • Media Center music library - my hundreds of albums slow the library to a crawl while they are fine in Windows Media Player
  • Access permissions between users and PCs is annoying with workgroup networking, and having a domain server is overkill

Other miscellaneous thoughts:
  • I have about 640MB of RAM, which doesn't seem to even matter; I rarely use more than 300
  • The Windows MCE license came from an MSDN subscription, and I did do some development and testing with it, but I'm probably using it for more than the license permits
  • I had originally tried to use Ubuntu + MythTV, but gave up in compatibility and configuration frustration
  • Thanks to my CPU issue, I can't even consider upgrading it to Vista

My upgrade is coming soon...

Nathan is a software developer at The Boeing Company in Charleston, SC. He is essentially a big programming nerd. Really, you could say that makes him a nerd among nerds. Aside from making software for the web, he plays with tech toys and likes to think about programming's big picture while speaking at conferences and generally impressing people with massive nerdiness and straight-faced sarcastic humor. Nathan got his programming start writing batch files in DOS. It should go without saying, but these thought and opinions have nothing to do with Boeing in any way.
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