Let's talk about ColdFusion 10 - AZCFUG Feb 22
posted under category: AZCFUG on February 21, 2012 by Nathan
Hey, here's a quick note to say we are going to talk about the newly released ColdFusion 10 Beta on Wednesday, February 22nd for this month's AZCFUG meeting. If you're in the Phoenix area, come hang out with us and learn about the new features.
We should take a vote to see what your favorite feature is. For me? There is so much stuff in this release, it's all over the map, I don't know that I can say any one single thing is my favorite. There are new language features, new tags, new functions, new technologies, a new platform, new capabilities - too much for me to pick just one.
Anyways, we'll be talking about it at the usual time and place, UAT's main auditorium at 6:30 PM. See you there!