If you're reading this...
posted under category: Servers on September 7, 2005 by Nathan
If you're reading this, you're looking at dopefly.com at it's new host, just 15 feet from my desk!
Thanks to Alan for the server, the AZCFUG for the software, Interactive Sites (my new employer) for the bandwidth and John & Pat for helping me set this up and getting the site moved over. You guys are all awesome.
It's sad though, I was almost enjoying having a web site blink on and off like a strobe light. Yeah, the stobe site. That's dopefly. Well, no longer, as long as we can avoid another one of those catastrophic drive failures this box had a few months back.
In related news, my 2.0 version of this blog is coming along. I had this idea to make an OO singleton-styled pattern, though it was mostly for the sake of coping with a database that was down 80% of the time. Still, I'll push ahead because it's a fun experiment.