CFQuery bug found
posted under category: ColdFusion on August 23, 2004 by Nathan
My co-worker Raff just discovered a bug with the CFQuery tag. When you set the variable for a query, and then run the cfquery tag, if the query doesn't return a recordset, your previously set variable will be undefined. Example:
<cfset qry = "">
<cfquery name="qry" datasource="dsn">
UPDATE table
SET field = 0
WHERE id = 1
<cfdump var="#qry#">
The cfdump will throw an error, stating that "qry" doesn't exist.
Workarounds are fairly simple. Either check to see if your query is defined, or if you must have a query, even with a recordcount of zero, do
<cfparam name="qry" default="#queryNew('')#">
after your cfquery call.